
This is an energy healing modality that uses colour and light, and the healing energies of plants and crystals on meridians, acupuncture points and chakras. Treatment sessions are based on Colour and Light on the Pathways© protocols. Linda also adds sound, Reiki energy and sacred geometry (Light Language) into the treatments. These sessions help you align with your gifts and create a greater sense of ease by clearing energy blocks and releasing unwanted behavioural patterns. After your personal assessment, Linda can help you select the treatment best suited to you. There are forty different treatment protocols available, as listed below. 

Treatment Sessions…

Addictions: for any addictive behaviours  

Bagua: an inner Feng Shui treatment to connect to your original true essence 

Chakra Balancing: helps shift consciousness 

Childhood Patterns: assists when repeating behaviour patterns of the past 

Chinese Clock: uses Oriental astrology for deep level work on the reservoirs and meridians 

Dealing with Changes: helps you to “go with the flow" and stay calm during life events 

De-Stress: releases energy blocks to create ease  

Ear and Eye Zones: balancing the senses to “hear” and “see“ from a  clearer perspective 

Energetic Holding Patterns: focuses on the neck, shoulders, and back 

Energy Points: Following an Aura-Soma® colour consultation, this treatment provides deeper energy to access higher consciousness for self-development. 

Five Zones: unlocking your gifts and “letting go” 

Kundalini: gentle activation to assist with awakening 

Master Spirit Points: helps you to thrive in life 

Matrix: deep, complex session using numerology and I-Ching with a combination of treatments 

Mental Clarity: brings clarity, vitality and aids in the birth of new ideas 

Meridian Stroking: to help with energy flow 

Mystic Turtle/Reservoirs: assists with being in the “here and now” 

Pregnancy: supports development of the child’s soul and facilitates mother’s relaxation during pregnancy and birth 

Reconnecting with Your Potential: to remember your gifts and abilities 

Relating Session: for two people (partners, friends, parent/child) seeking to improve their connection 

Shen Harmonics: helps regain a restful, peaceful spirit and to feel “at home” with yourself 

Spirit Path: opens crown chakra to higher realms 

Teenagers: specifically for ages 11 to 20 to help support and ground during this time of development 

Windows to the Archangels: helps to uplift the spirit and connect to higher guidance 

Wisdom of Life Series (individual treatments):

Grief, Loss, Transition 


Revitalizing the Skin 

Increasing Trust 

Moving Through Fear with Courage 

From Anger to Assertiveness 

9 Palaces Series: an advanced series to assist with the clearing of genetic and karmic past, and unblocking the pathways so you can align with your gifts and your soul purpose 



$144/75 minute session. Package of five sessions: $611


Colour Consultation

Explore colours and their meanings in the context and depth of your own journey. You will select four Equilibrium bottles you feel drawn to. These are the colours you need at this time. 

Linda will assist you to explore the meanings of the colours and the order in which you picked them. You will also discover which products are best suited to help your wellbeing and elevate your consciousness. 

Exchange: $222 (includes one Aura-Soma Equilibrium bottle)

72 Angels Consultation

A transformational process where you discover your personal guardian, heart, intellectual and spiritual angels. Working with their specific energies, the sound of their names, and the associated vibrational colours, plant and crystal essences of the Aura-Soma® system, you can enhance the awareness of your light-body and raise your consciousness.

Exchange: $222 (includes one Aura-Soma Equilibrium bottle)


This is a sacred treatment that facilitates the re-connection of axiatonal energy pathways to your Higher Self, Oversoul and Source. By reconnecting severed axiatonal lines, energies are regenerated and your energy field layers are re-harmonized according to our Divine Blueprint.

Axiatonal re-alignment can be done remotely or in person either lying down, sitting, or standing. Axiatonal lines are traced on the physical or etheric body. Spin points are also activated. As axiatonal energy enters the body, dense energy can be transmuted. These sessions are pleasant, deeply relaxing, and unique for each person.

Axiatonal re-alignment sessions can be performed as a separate session or combined with other healing sessions.

These sessions can be performed remotely.

Exchange: $122/session


Full Assessment 

A complete home assessment. It applies all of the Feng Shui formulas, as well as the Ba Zhai formula for two people. A full report and recommendations are provided. A floor plan is required from the client. 

Exchange: $0.44/sq. ft.

(minimum of $660 if less than 1500 sq. ft.).

Pricing for greater than 3,000 sq. ft. is discounted proportionately.  

Single Room/Office Assessment 

A one room/office assessment. It applies all of the Feng Shui formulas to that specific space as well as the Ba Zhai formula for one person. Recommendations are provided. A floor plan is required from the client. 

Exchange: $444 

Ba Zhai Alignment 

A single Feng Shui formula (Ba Zhai) is applied to recommend optimal facing directions for people in key areas of a home where they spend a lot of time. This is based on date of birth and the primary activities performed in those spaces. A floor plan is required from the client. 

This service can be performed remotely.

Exchange: $333/person 

Light Language Grids

This modality uses colour and sacred geometry to create grids that will help you manifest what you desire and heal your physical/emotional/mental/spiritual body. 


A 12 personal chakra grid surrounds a person with the intention of attracting or stabilizing desired energies. A 49 shape grid is intended for personal development, relationships, prosperity, and health. A powerful 144 grid is for deep healing, trauma, healing ancestral patterns and collective/community healing.

This service can be performed remotely.


$122 for a 12 grid $222 for a 49 grid (includes a 12 personal chakra grid) $333 for a 144 grid (includes a 12 personal chakra grid)


Remote Healing is for clients located around the globe and is just as effective as if performed in person. The process provides healing to the seven layers of your bioenergetic field which is primarily where health and illness originate. Treatments include a complete chakra assessment and restructuring, removal of energetic densities and “stress webs”, specific organ etheric restructuring, opening up meridians, and activating DNA. The treatment also integrates components of Advanced Colour and Light Healing and Light Language. In addition, Reiki Infusions are used to help complement the healing process.


$144/75 minute session.

Package of five sessions: $611 (it often takes a few treatments to overcome the programming and imprints that have occurred in our lifetimes).

Soul Purpose Reading

This assesses your creation codes to identify the gifts you bring to this lifetime and will help activate your DNA blueprints and align you with your soul purpose. Full birth name and date of birth are required. 

This service can be performed remotely.



Additional sessions (as a follow-up to the Soul Purpose Reading) can include:

  • Your source energy, life path and pinnacles, and ascension stages

  • Re-programming and upgrading your DNA and soul blueprint

  • Identifying and clearing health challenges, karmic programs, and past life influences found in your soul blueprint

  • A soul retrieval process

These services can be performed remotely.


$222/additional session

Relationship Reading

These provide insight into the soul blueprints of significant people that surround you (partners, family members, friends, co-workers etc.) and how they interact with your blueprint.

This service can be performed remotely.



Name Optimization

This is a powerful alchemic co-creative process that tweaks or changes your name, thereby uploading a whole new blueprint to transform and enhance your reality.

This service can be performed remotely.




This involves clearing the energy and increasing the vibration of a home/building utilizing sound, colour harmonics, aromatherapy and crystals.  

This includes two visits.

Exchange: $333 / $444 with Light Language Grid for Spaces


The best approach for healing and becoming the highest version of yourself is to look at everything as an interconnected system. Separating out the influence of your environment and your body, mind and spirit does not necessarily allow you to reach your optimal health. Soulscape Alignments offers package options that include multiple or combinations of different types of sessions to help you align with your Divine essence and come back into a state of wellbeing and harmony.

Please inquire for details.

Other Services



Workshop facilitation on a wide variety of topics related to energy healing, home/space alignment, ascension and multi-dimensionality. 

*Exchange: All treatments involve an exchange of energy between practitioner and client. The payment provided by the client represents their energy. Thus, Linda uses the word “exchange”. Linda’s intention is to make her services accessible. If this is not the case for you, please let her know. 
