Light Language

Light language comes from a long unbroken lineage of Mexican Curanderos (healers), who descended from Mayan and Aztec wisdom and traditions. The Esperenza lineage was brought to the United States in 1990 by Starr Fuentes, who brought these teachings to light workers to assist in the evolution on the planet. 

Light language involves the use of coloured light, combined with sacred geometric shapes. Each colour attracts specific attributes on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes such as stability, healing, alignment, compassion and so on. Each geometric shape draws to itself, a precise energy that is further modified by the energy of the colour being used. The number of corners and faces on the shapes has deep numerological meaning that determines how the shape will contain and form the flow of energy. Eighty different sacred geometrical shapes and 144 colours can be accessed in Advanced Light Language.  

There are two ways to use coloured sacred geometry in Light Language: 

1) Emanation: A specific coloured shape or sequence of shapes (essences) is intentionally transmitted around ourselves, another person, an object, environment, or situation to manifest a certain outcome. As a coloured shape is emanated, a specific resonance is created to where that object is sent (depending on the frequency of the colour and the energetic vibration of the shape), in order to manifest a certain outcome. Light Language works faster than light speed by using our thoughts. Emanated shapes can last a few seconds to a few hours, after which they dissipate. 


2) Grids: A sequence of coloured geometries, created using 7, 12, 49, or 144 coloured shapes (or higher with master advanced levels). Grids are built to attract and shape energies. They can bring in energies that are desired, repel chaotic energies, break through stuck patterns in our energetic field or attract healing and balance. Grids are constructed so all shapes and colours work with each other and designed to last much longer than emanated shapes or essences. A 7 or 12-shape grid is a personal or auric grid that surrounds a person with the intention of attracting or stabilizing desired energies. An intermediate 49 grid can be created for relationships, prosperity, self/spiritual development, business, and for working with the original cause of dis-harmony and dis-ease in your life. It's intention is very specific. Powerful health grids can be written for over 165 dis-eases. 


Advanced 144 grids are used to create powerful change on all levels. The colour, shapes and their interaction, work at a DNA level to rewrite your blueprint and activate the twelve-strand DNA, allowing access to a higher consciousness. These can also be used to assist with deep healing, trauma, healing ancestral patterns and to create community healing on a collective level.  

Light Language aligns with the highest vibration of light. As such, it cannot be used against the free will of another person or used to cause harm. The course of humanity's genetics can be altered using light and geometry. We can clear old patterns and create new archetypal organizations in our DNA  for ourselves and future generations by working with these shapes. 

Linda would like to acknowledge the training passed on from Esperenza, Starr Fuentes and her teacher, Keren-Or-Atari.